Forums - on MVC2 for fighing Abyss Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- on MVC2 for fighing Abyss ( Posted by Wraith on 07:15:2000 06:25 AM: a team of Hyato, Cable, and Guile are what I have found to be the best team against Abyss because cable takes out the second form very well with his gun and viper beam, and the combonation of hyper viper and sonic hurricane can kill third form if done only twice. Try it out, and tell me how you like it. ------------------ Boss, please tell me you're not putting us in women's clothing. Very well, I'm not putting us in womens clothing. A half an hour later, the four of them sat wearing Adumari women's clothing. Hobbie stared with a hurt expresstion at Wedge, who ignored him. Posted by ShadowLady on 07:15:2000 07:13 AM: no offense, but i dont think anybody needs a certain team to beat that wuss of a boss abyss. i have never lost to him even on my first try. to beat him, all you need to do is play smart, which includes tons of blocking. but yeah, you're right. if ya want a quick victory over him, those people work pretty well. Posted by alpha on 07:15:2000 10:24 AM: actually you guys are forgetting something. Chun Li can beat all 3 forms barely getting touched! Just wait for the first form to do his big beam attack, jump over and lightning kick him to death.. simple. for the 2nd form, wait for him to do his beam, lightning kick him to death. For the third form, well, you get the point. You can beat Abyss just like Onslaught. How pathetic. and on the higher damage levels you can beat them in 1-3 seconds each. ------------------ "Only fool, fight man with Brisk" Posted by Knowledge on 07:15:2000 12:57 PM: You can cross the first form up the match and he wont hit you, he get you with some chip though. The second form I usually use bison and teleport behind him when he does his super and that beam. I dont think I need to explain how i beat the third form. Posted by DanHibiki on 07:15:2000 01:28 PM: Yeah the team you said would be great, though oddly enough my team each guy has their own purpose on each form Dan-first form wait till he charges in with that energy shield rush then call in ryu as kick call in and do dankyaku 2 times and that does more than a supers damage. Ryu-second form sit there and fireball from the distance Amingo-third form use the blessing of the sun super and kill off him/orb with taking little damage. ------------------ You must feel the power of the Chouhatsu!!! Posted by mastermind on 07:15:2000 02:54 PM: oh what a punching bag Abyss makes when you're hopped up on caffeine at 4 am. check out what i devised with my Ken/Juggy/Magneto team. 1st and 2nd form: with Ken, stay close to him before the match starts, and when the match starts, begin this cycle: wp,wk,mp,mk(2 hits),fp,qcb+wp_fp. when fighting the 1st form, the only thing you need to watch out for is that raining spikes super that he has. just block it and continue. when fighting the 2nd form, use some well-placed wp's on those bubbles. 3rd form: if you still have Ken, a good set of fierce hurricane kicks will take him out. or if Ken's gone and you have a full super meter (you probably...nope, DEFINITELY, will have a full meter), switch to Magneto and throw Magnetic Tempest after Magnetic Tempest on that ball above Abyss. is it just me, or does Abyss seem the easiest challenge out of all the stages? Guess Capcom wanted to give you an easier way to the crappy ending. ------------------ how come no one plays Tekken Tag anymore? Posted by Pryde on 07:15:2000 09:51 PM: You can just use Silver Samurai's lightning and that super will juice ABYSS in his first and third form. I reccomend Cable or Doom on the second form. ------------------ Keep up the PRIDE!!! Posted by IoriYagami on 07:27:2000 09:20 PM: using b.b. hood, cable , megaman/gambit is a good combination , cable takes out the first 2 forms easily , and just do a DHC with all your characters to easily beat the 3rd formc. But that actually works with any combination of characters... ah yea abyss sucks , i agree with yall about him being to easy. Posted by Sheng-Long on 07:27:2000 09:55 PM: Yeah I have to agree, VS. series bosses are the easiest to beat in any game. It takes forever for abyss to attack and he is vulnerable to everything. Remember Magneto in XCotA? shit, now that is a cheap boss, it takes forever to kill him coz he has that magnetic armor around him and he flies so high you can't reach him, and his attacks to a lot of damage. I think he was the last challenging boss Capcom ever made. Posted by Spider_Sting on 07:28:2000 10:34 AM: Takes Cable 2 hits with HVB to kill 3rd Abyss... everyone else is just block and kill Posted by Jin Saotome on 07:28:2000 02:34 PM: best character against Abyss Form 1: Omega Red...just do a simple standing short, forward, jab Omega Strike, which will carry you behind him. No chip damage unless he pulls off his slime spear super. Best character against Abyss Form 2: Dr. Doom...super jump and Plasma Beam downwards repeatedly, using a Photon Array if Abyss pulls out his bubbles. Best character against Abyss Form 3: Dan or Cable...THC with Doom and Omega Red with these two guys using Dan's Shinkuu Gadouken or Cable's Hyper Viper and Abyss will be a pile of slime in a few seconds. ------------------ HEY, BLODIAAA!!! Posted by Sheng-Long on 07:28:2000 07:28 PM: Who are we kidding, Best team to use against Abyss?? You only need cable, if you have Cable in your team, why would you waste the other character's life? 1st form, Keep on doing Psimitar, it puts you on the other side. 2nd form, Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Viper Beam, HyperViperBeam, Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Dead. 3rd form, Jump AHVB, Jump AHVB dead. That's why I said Abyss is just a big retard, there is no challenge playing him. Posted by Kenks on 07:28:2000 07:44 PM: Eventually every character will be put down, it seems to me. So it's pretty much who you are best with when it comes to defeating Abyss (or pretty much everyone). Just study Abyss's abilities and strategies and try the best at mastering your characters and eventually you'll find strategies that work on defeating him really easily (as well as everyone else in the game. Just give it patience and practice and I'm sure everyone has different strategies to use to beat everyone else). Posted by thejoe27 on 07:30:2000 09:10 AM: If you want to prevent Abyss from the seeing the light of day again, just use Cable! Just 2 of his Hyper Viper Beams will kill all 3 of Abýss's forms. I also like that weird sound (I can't describe it) that the super makes while Abýss is being hit by it. ------------------ Thejoe27 Posted by Johnny Blaze on 08:02:2000 04:00 PM: Use someone quick like spiderman on the first guy to do 6hit combos in the air while jumping over the guy. Use Cable to beam to to death the second guy and AHVB 2 times for the third guy Posted by HotKola on 08:05:2000 03:44 AM: Strider and oroburos are all you need. Heck, on the lowest damage setting, just activate then jump on the 3rd form's face. There's 1/2 of his life gone in a few seonds. Don't forget to taunt the 1st form=) Posted by darkgohan45 on 08:05:2000 06:17 AM: Shadowlady is right, 110 percent correct. But every person i sawa fighting abyss was equipped with cable or cyclops or any super super keep away guy. ------------------ Darkgohan45 Posted by darkgohan45 on 08:05:2000 06:17 AM: Shadowlady is right, 110 percent correct. But every person i sawa fighting abyss was equipped with cable or cyclops or any super super keep away guy. ------------------ Darkgohan45 Posted by BDeVoLi on 06:06:2001 04:26 AM: Look at this old ass thread! Damn! Current Music: Gomez - Tijuana Lady Posted by BlackShinobi on 06:06:2001 05:23 AM: I got a draw game against Abyss' third form today, on purpose of course Posted by Zeo on 06:06:2001 06:04 AM: this is stupid but im bored so : first form- use sentinal (just activate fly mode and rocket punch, fly out of harms way) Second Form: tag cable in safely, super him to death, repeat on third form. If you play in right with Sentinal, you can get three perfects Posted by Supergeek on 06:06:2001 06:16 AM: Cable/Cyclops/IronMan 1st form: Cyclops LK, LK, HK, LP Optic Blast, superjump over, repeat. 2nd form: Cable/Iron Man HP x4 while calling Iron Man, Viper Beam 3rd: All TRIPLE TEAM!! Posted by MarkyMark on 06:06:2001 07:47 AM: Like all characters... ...Strider ownz Abyss. I've gotten a perfect on him a couple of times, though it was partly by luck since Abyss has some moves that you HAVE to block. But anyway, Strider's dogs do all of the work... Posted by ShoFunaki on 06:06:2001 01:05 PM: 1st and 2nd form: Anakaris. sj and rain coffins. 3rd form Silver samurai. Begin! Ramaiiiii-Ken!You win! Posted by wildfire on 06:06:2001 01:47 PM: Cable, Akuma, and Ironman/Gambit/Servbot Cable Fierce Fierce Fierce Fierce Viperbeam repeat repeat until 1st 2nd bosses both dead don't forget to block last- hopefully you have a full meter- 3 person hypercombo racking up 120 hits hopefully 2 more HyperViperBeams should do it do near perfect EVERY time if not for block damage Posted by Jaze on 06:06:2001 10:07 PM: what about Onslaught (from MvC1)? i can't remember any of my old tactics to defeat him. would you mind posting yours. i think i used jin and warmachine, but i can't remember because its been so long. Posted by disgruntled goa on 06:06:2001 11:19 PM: Honestly, Abyss has got to be the easiest, most boring boss ever made. If you have a little patience, every character, including Zangief, can beat him with ease. Personally, I think against the first form Spiral is the best. Just keep teleporting back and forth and hitting him and he won't even be able to touch you. Just remember to block when he does the acid rain super. When he does anything else, just teleport to the opposite side, call swords and toss them at him. It takes a while but he shouldn't even be able to touch you except when he does that annoying acid rain. Against the second form, Sentinal is good. Just get to the opposite side of the screen and do crouching fierce xx qcf+wk (the drones). Block when he does his beam and his super. Don't jump. His bubbles wont be able to trap you because of Sent's super armor. Against the third form, I think Cable is the best. Two AHVBs is all you need to beat him. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:56 AM. Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.